Sponsorship Fulfillment Tracking

Sponsorship fulfillment can be one of the more challenging aspects of sponsorship management. From staying on top of internal tasks and timelines, to reporting on the delivery of assets for your organization's partners, rights holders need a modern sponsorship fulfillment tracking platform in order to deliver successful partnerships.

Collaborate to fuel better sponsor servicing

PandoPartner provides tools to manage internal deadlines and ensure sponsorship deliverables will be ready on time. And each completed deliverable is tracked automatically for easy reporting.

Within the Fulfillment area in your PandoPartner workspace, you will find a robust sponsorship fulfillment tracking tool to help your organization:

  • Track the status of different assets requiring delivery to partners (asset deliverables are populated seamlessly from the sold contracts defined in the PandoPartner's Sales area)

  • Create tasks that fall under a given asset deliverable - assign due dates, task ownership to a team member, and any relevant vendors

  • Monitor and analyze sponsorship fulfilment with automated charts and reports

  • Maintain a central list of your organization's approved vendors that can be assigned to tasks


Do I have to set up all of the asset deliverables for my partners in order to use the PandoPartner's Fulfillment features?

  • When you create a sponsorship agreement in PandoPartner, the assets in the agreement automatically become deliverables within the platform's sponsorship fulfillment tracking tool. From there, you and your team can add additional tasks related to the steps, milestones, and processes required to ultimately deliver the asset to the sponsor.

Does PandoPartner's Fulfillment area have reminders for me and my team members across different tasks?

  • Reminders for tasks and due dates are seamlessly incorporated within the platform - ensuring that your team delivers on each and every one of your sponsorship asset deliverables.